At the supermarket or at the restaurant. At the self-service machine or at the gas station. Paying by card is something that deeply changed our daily routine.
It is thanks to Bancomat S.p.A., the most important player in the debit cards payment market in Italy. With more than 30 years of experience on payment and withdrawal circuits, Bancomat S.p.A. has more than 400 banks that use its services.
Behind such a simple but everyday gesture, there is our know how as well. We are very proud of being part of BANCOMAT Online (BOL) project, contributing to the design and the development of this solution. Thank to this project, banks and its associates have access to the entire range of services offered by BANCOMAT S.p.A. through just one portal.
The BANCOMAT On Line portal represents the access point to all the customer’s application services. This solution marks a turning point into a wider strategy the brand adopted to enrich its digital offer. The portal, accessible from the corporate website, gives the possibility to banks and associates to log in and enjoy the online services they can reach with Single Sign-On, easily clicking on the appropriate icon on the page, according to the user’s profile.
Analysis and consulting: the two milestones that guided the design of this platform. During this first phase, these two essential concepts let us going deeper into customer’s needs. Only then, we focused on the technological solution and its customisation. This project involved our Development & Technology business unit, which developed an application based on ASP.NET Core, connected to Microsoft Azure services: Active Directory, Azure SQL Database, Dynamics CRM and SharePoint. This cloud based solution gives the opportunity to read a relevant number of data, for example, banks master data, aggregating them in one single point. The project involved our Design & Content team as well: they designed a clean and essential user experience, functional to users’ needs and consistent with BANCOMAT brand identity.
BANCOMAT On Line is a project that tells us how behind everyday gestures there is always a lot of work and research, even though many daily actions can seem trivial. All of this starts from the connection between different skills and different souls: consulting, technology, experiences. Which is the final result? The innovation that simplifies and make life better for millions of people, every day.