An integrated portal for a simplified everyday life:
the revolution goes through Online Banking.
For Bancomat, the leading player in the debit card payment market in Italy, we handled the design and creation of Bancomat On Line (BOL), the solution that allows banks and associates to access, through a single portal, the entire range of online services offered by Bancomat.
The Bancomat Online portal represents the gateway to all client application services. It marks a turning point in a wider strategy undertaken by the brand to enhance its digital offering. Accessible from the institutional website, the portal allows banks and associates to authenticate and use the services through Single Sign-On, simply by clicking on the icon on the page, based on their membership profile.
Solution and Strategies
· App Dev
· Microsoft Azure
· UX & UI Design

For the design of this platform, we started with the elements that matter most to us: analysis and consulting. This initial phase allowed us to understand the client’s needs before moving on to the selection and customization of the technological solution. The project involved our Development & Technology department in the development of an application based on ASP.NET Core technology, interconnected with Microsoft Azure platform services: Active Directory, Azure SQL Database, Dynamics CRM, and SharePoint.
This cloud solution allows the availability of a significant amount of data, including bank registry information, aggregating them within a single point. Not to mention the support of the Design & Content team in designing a clean and essential User Experience, functional to the users’ needs and in line with the Bancomat brand identity.

Solution and Strategies
· App Dev
· Microsoft Azure
· UX & UI Design