
Fiera Milano
VarWhistle: how Fiera Milano reports wrongdoing

An essential, smart, and complete platform

With the word “Whistleblowing” we refer to the reporting of misconduct and corruption in the activities of public administration or companies. A topic that is increasingly relevant given the regulatory developments related to the reporting of wrongdoing. While initially, having a reporting system was necessary only for public entities, since December 29, 2017, the obligation to use a whistleblowing platform has been extended to certain types of private companies as well. These provisions have recently led many public entities and companies to adapt to the current regulations.

Fiera Milano also had the need to adopt a compliant infrastructure for whistleblowing, an efficient tool capable of protecting employees. Adiacent gathered the client’s needs and information on current regulations, giving life to an essential, smart, and comprehensive platform: VarWhistle.

The leading Italian trade fair operator now can manage user reports in a thorough manner. Thanks to its immediacy and ease of use both on the front end and back end, this tool has allowed Fiera Milano to consolidate reports in a single environment and access reporting, data, and additional information.

Solution and Strategies

· VarWhistle
· Microsoft Azure

A safe tool for the management of reports

Reports can be submitted through Fiera Milano’s official website, via a voicemail box connected to a toll-free number, through email, or by regular mail. The VarWhistle solution is a cloud service hosted on the Microsoft Azure platform. Microsoft Azure is a continuously expanding set of cloud services that has allowed us to create, manage, and deploy the VarWhistle solution across a global network of 50 data centers spread around the world, more than any other cloud service provider. Security and privacy are built into the Azure platform. Microsoft is committed to ensuring the highest levels of reliability, transparency, and compliance with standards and regulations. Additionally, this ecosystem offers the ability to use various development languages, both open source and proprietary, and boasts significant flexibility and scalability, making it suitable for custom projects like this one.

Safety first

By accessing the dedicated area on the website, it is possible to make an anonymous or signed report. In the report form, there are fields for description, location, date, subject, any witnesses, and other information. The form also includes a disclaimer that can be customized based on the client’s needs. From the back office, it is possible to manage the status of the reports in every phase. Moreover, depending on the status of the report, notifications can be sent regarding the change of status or the arrival of a new report with different templates, to a specific sender, or to the reporting committee. This system allows for the management of reports in every phase, access to reporting, and the availability of a reliable and secure tool.

Solution and Strategies

· VarWhistle
· Microsoft Azure